Bring the gospel to over 5000 Hindu people in Pondicherry India by 2030.
Blesson International Ministries reaching Pondicherry India

Imagine making more than a donation,
Imagine changing lives, reaching a population 1.2 million people, and transforming Pondicherry India.

By partnering with BIM, you can!

Pastor Blesson and Kristina in Pondicherry India
You can Impact Pondicherry India!
Through supporters like you, God has done amazing things in Pondicherry since 1986.
Planted a Church
Established a Main Church with house Churches in neighboring villages.
More Than 2k Reached
More than 2,000 have trusted Christ since 1986
Started a Grocery Store
This store helps reach into the community on a daily basis. In the future, these stores will help get into other villages more effectively.
Vision 5000 Indians for Christ by 2030
In January 2023, our ministry team felt an urgent call to expand our efforts to spread the gospel of Jesus in Pondicherry, India. God showed us a strategic way to be more effective by starting programs to address the community's needs while sharing the gospel.
Our goal: reach 5000 Indians for Christ by 2030.
Join us on this vital journey of transformation.
Your Support Will Help Start and Operate:
Prayer Teams
Daily these teams will gather to pray and walk the streets inviting people to visit our services.
Evangelism Teams
Local and international teams that do street ministry as well as indoor meetings. Their goal is to spread the news of Christ.
Widow Support
Provide monthly food staples to widows!
Sunday Meals
Many travel quite far to attend services and only have money for travel expenses. We strive to provide them with Sunday meals.
After School Tutoring and Computer classes.
Help children with their homework and tutor them where their illiterate relives can't.
Computer classes: teach young people a skill in order to help them get a good job.
Discipleship/ Bible College Classes
These weekly classes will develop their spiritual gifts, callings, and equip believers to share the gospel with others effectively.
Medical Camps
Annually provide free medical care for the community.
Business and Financial classes
Quarterly conduct business and financial classes for the community to learn how to save and use their talents to get out of poverty.
Children VBS Camp
Annually set up a 2-week program that is geared to educate, evangelise and provide a safe place to learn and have fun during the summer holiday
Change Lives Like These...
Reaching Pondicherry begins by reaching the Hindu families
Adding Your Support is Easy!
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Become a regular supporter of BIM with your monthly gift. Or make individual gifts on your schedule.
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Trust that your resources are handled with integrity. BIM is a partner with NBFC Church under their supervision to ensure funds are managed with integrity. Gifts are tax-deductible to the extent of current tax law.
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What Others Are Saying!
Imagine making more than a donation. Imagine changing lives, and transforming Pondicherry India!
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Photo Gallery from the beginning of this ministry outreach until now.

Help us raise $120,000 by May 1, 2025

Imagine making more than a donation. Imagine changing lives, reaching Pondicherry India and transforming India!

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